Types of Periodontal Diseases: What You Need to Know

Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontitis; it's usually reversible with professional treatment & good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing & flossing. Learn about other types & treatments for each.

Types of Periodontal Diseases: What You Need to Know

Gingivitis is the mildest and most common form of periodontitis. It causes the gums to become red and swollen, and they may also tend to bleed easily. At this stage, you may feel little or no discomfort. Gingivitis is often caused by an inadequate oral hygiene regimen, but it's usually reversible with professional treatment and good oral hygiene habits, such as regular brushing and flossing.

There are many different varieties of gum disease, but all require immediate treatment by a dentist if you want to stop the progression and save gum tissue and bone. These are some of the most common types of periodontal disease along with the recommended treatments for each:Gingivitis - Easily treated and reversible through a strong combination of home care and professional dental cleanings. A combination of antibiotics and medicated mouthwashes can be used to kill any remaining bacteria and promote healing of these bags.

Chronic Periodontal Disease

- Unfortunately, unlike gingivitis, chronic periodontal disease cannot be completely cured because the supporting tissue cannot be rebuilt. However, your Tuscaloosa, AL dentist can stop the progression of the disease using scraping and root smoothing procedures in combination with antimicrobial treatments.

If necessary, your dentist will work with a periodontist, who can perform surgical treatments, such as pocket reduction surgery and tissue grafting to strengthen bone and improve the aesthetic appearance of the oral cavity.

Aggressive Periodontal Disease

- Characterized by the rapid loss of the junction of the gums and bone tissue. Smokers and people with a family history of this disease are at greater risk of developing aggressive periodontitis. Treatments for aggressive periodontal disease are the same as treatments for chronic periodontal disease, but people with aggressive periodontal disease are much more likely to require surgery. This form of periodontitis is more difficult to stop and treat, but the dentist will perform scraping, root smoothing, antimicrobial and, in some cases, laser procedures to try to save valuable tissue and bone.

Necrotizing Periodontal Disease

- Extremely rare.

Tissue death (necrosis) frequently affects the periodontal ligament, gingival tissues, and alveolar bone. Because the disease may be associated with HIV or another serious medical condition, your dentist will likely consult with a doctor before starting treatment. Flakes, root smoothing, antibiotics, medicated mouthwashes and fungicides are usually used to treat this form of the disease. Periodontal disease can be a symptom of a disease or condition that affects the rest of the body. Depending on the underlying medical problem, the disease can behave like an aggressive periodontal disease, acting quickly to destroy tissue.

Heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory disease are the most common cofactors, although there are many others. Even in cases where there is little plaque coating the teeth, many medical conditions intensify and accelerate the progression of periodontal disease. If your periodontal disease is caused by another medical condition, the first thing to do is to manage the medical condition that caused it. Then, your Tuscaloosa, AL dentist will help you stop the progression of your periodontitis using the same treatments used to control chronic, aggressive periodontal disease. Gingivitis is the earliest form of periodontal disease and the only type that can be reversed. It causes redness, swelling, and bleeding in the gums.

The main cause of this condition is inadequate oral hygiene; people can easily control and treat gingivitis at home by maintaining a proper oral care routine. The condition in which the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone suffer rapid destruction is known as aggressive periodontitis. It's common among young people who are clinically healthy; it may cause tooth loss at an early age. The characteristics of this condition include family aggregation, loss of attachment, and bone destruction. Chronic periodontitis is a condition in which the supporting tissues of the teeth begin to swell; bag formation and gum recession are signs of this condition. It's common among adults but its progression is slow. Necrotizing periodontal diseases are also a common disease among adults; especially those with systematic conditions such as immunosuppression or malnutrition.

The condition involves necrosis of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and gingival tissues. Knowing common periodontal diseases will help people identify them early on so they can take action before their condition worsens. If you have any questions or concerns regarding different types of periodontal diseases or their treatments contact our Tuscaloosa office today; we will be happy to make an appointment to discuss your needs and your best options.

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