What are the Three Categories of Periodontitis?

Periodontal diseases and conditions can be divided into three main categories: gingivitis, periodontitis, and chronic gingivitis. Learn more about the symptoms and treatments for each.

What are the Three Categories of Periodontitis?

Periodontal diseases and conditions can be divided into three main categories, each with subcategories. The mildest form of periodontal disease is gingivitis, which causes red, swollen, and easily bleed gums. Usually, there is little or no discomfort at this stage and it can usually be reversed with professional treatment and good home care. Research shows that younger people tend to develop severe types of gingivitis, while children and adolescents with immune deficiencies and type 1 diabetes are more susceptible to the disease.

If not treated in time, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis. If a teenager complains of bleeding, redness, or swelling of the gums, parents may presume that they have chronic gingivitis.

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